Interview – Ferragiu – Juliana Scerri Ferrante

I first met Juliana Scerri Ferrante about a year ago, what struck me most was her sheer passion for fashion, her dreams and ideas and above all her energy and determination to see all those plans through. Juliana is a person who does 3 million different things in one day, speaks Italian one minute, English the next and Maltese the one after. Her life is split between law and fashion, Italy and Malta. Her luxury brand Ferragiu has been received well both in Malta and abroad with the first collection selling out very quickly
Ladies and gents I present to you Juliana Scerri Ferrante, in her own words

What is your background in fashion design?

I have been involved in Alta Moda and haute couture fashion design for the past fifteen years. My experience in design, textiles, and most of all, the quality of Alta Moda and the Made in Italy concept led me to protect the Made in Malta by combining both in one Italo-Maltese brand. 
Over the years, I have spent long periods of time in Italy  during my studies and I became aware of the efforts which Italians make to protect their artistic work, their handmade textiles and their product.
I decided that I should encourage the Maltese to do the same. 
Many traditions might be lost by time, so in my own designs I incorporate handmade lace, ganutell, wool and other Maltese artisanship carried out by local artisans to fuel these traditional works. My designs combine these  with Italian silks, hand made buttons and jewellery (which I also design). Following and promoting designers and their brands over the years has taught me the variety and appreciation of each design, and my favourite designer, Fendi, taught me elegance and simplicity.

You are also a lawyer. How do these two lives coincide?

They do not coincide directly. Of course, my primary focus is on my law career. However, design and fashion are my passions, and have been for nearly twenty-five years. They are two lives which can also be combined, especially due to the fact that I have always been connected to Italy through my studies in law and forensics, as well as through the Italo-Maltese Chamber of Commerce of which today I am Vice-President.
I think it started with my love for a country and its culture, love and fashion, combined with my artistic qualities, as a child I used to design and sew my own clothes (with my grandmother). I always wanted to do both law and design and since I believe that when there is a will, there is a way, I went ahead.

What is the fundamental concept behind your brand?

The fundamental concept behind my brand is the protection and promotion of Maltese culture, identity and values. Yes, I am extremely patriotic and love my country -I believe that if we protect 
all our values, our culture and our traditions, this would not only enhance our economy, but also help
keep our Maltese identity.

What is your primary fashion hate?

I hate it when older women wear unsuitable clothing through which they would aim to look stylish but end up looking quite vulgar. There is a fine line between elegance and vulgarity, and every woman should dress according to her age and according to what best suits her figure.

You call your brand a “Made in MaltItaly” brand. What does that mean?

As explained in the answer to the first question, Made in MaltItaly combines Maltese textiles and 
artisanship with Italian textiles and artisanship to promote and protect both cultures.

According to you, what is the most important element in fashion design?

To me, the most important element in design, is creativity and uniqueness. To be more precise, it is 
the ability to go out there and create something different. 

Who is the woman who wears your clothes?

The woman who wears my clothes is a woman who wants to be unique, elegant and who wants to 
make a statement. The uniqueness and exclusivity of the design, as well as the level of detail, 
guarantee this.

Where does your inspiration come from?

My inspiration comes from recalling history – back when a woman was a woman and her presence was felt through her elegant stature – when women always wore hats, gloves and dresses which
were a means of coverage but at the same time elegant and flattering. These were the times of respect and appreciation of art, handmade work and endurance when quality came before quantity. The French nobility, the Sophia Loren days, the clothing prevalent in genuine historical reproductions of the Roman era and Maltese history as well. These all inspire my thoughts, which inspired me to create each design – as the name of my latest collection “Renaissance”, implies.

All Photos by Bernard Polidano
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